J. Crew Ladie's Companion Tote, $10 at jcrew.com: I am in love with these J. Crew totes. They're totally affordable, pretty decently-sized, and have the cutest prints on them ever, all of which revolve around puppies and clothing and shopping, AKA three of my favorite things (if there were also ponies, I would be losing my mind). These would be so great for groceries, sleepovers, text books, going to the beach, you name it. And since they're only $10, you could afford to buy all of them!
Sea of Shoes: I love the pictures from Sea of Shoes. Girl has skills. There's just something so desolate and yet romantic about this shot. The lighting is perfect, the mixture of fur and lace and silk is so unexpected, but so pitch-perfect, and I really want her hair.
Jak & Jil: The mix of textures here is genius, with the applique nature of the bag, and linear and studded bracelets. Since the bracelets are so subtle against the statement nature of the clutch, it works without clashing. And I really, really want that clutch. It's the perfect size...le drool.

And now time for an installment of things Megan finds absolutely hideous:
Nightcap Clothing Flamingo Skirt, $264 at shopbop.com, Superfine Chase in Sweat Pants, $209 at shopbop.com: That skirt. Hm. Hmmm. The clothing equivalent of a mullet? Yes. In a trippy wallpaper pattern? Yes. With awkward lace trim? Yes. For more than $250? Yes. Someone explain that to me. And then there are the $200 drop crotch sweatpants. $200 for sweats is bad enough, but $200 for sweats that also make you look anatomically incorrect? No, thanks.

Image Sources:
Inspiration boards: athingfor.blogspot.com, J. Crew totes: jcrew.com, seaofshoes.typepad.com, Jak & Jil pic: jakandjil.com/blog/, Nightcap Clothing skirt: shopbop.com, Superfine sweats: shopbop.com.
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